Posts in Self Development
#32: The ebbs and flows of burnout: a visit from my shadow companion

When the body says no go-go-go, no more. In 2020, I experienced a radical, debilitating burnout. It changed my understanding of what was physically and mentally possible for me to achieve. The 'how to' of my doing and being. Though the work I've engaged in over the years since, I've come to understand my deep-rooted conditioning. A mix of perfectionism, productivity addition and high achiever programming.

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#28: Don’t create for your critics: Banish them and create for yourself

Create for your critics? Who does that? What a silly thing to say! Well, have you ever actually stopped to think about it and consider if you do? When you write or create, are you unconsciously steering your word choice, or what you share or choose to express around the responses of your critics?

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#16: We get to choose. A friendly reminder to be more choosy in this life.

We get to choose and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Life can be busy, layered, stressful, even confusing. It can be filled with chaos, change, judgement, lessons, trauma and strain; events that can alter us into reactionary states. Always reacting to external input or forces. Always just trying to cope with it all. Always doing what everyone else wants, needs or expects of you. Sometimes we need to be reminded that we can put ourselves first.

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#13: Express Yourself: 4 creative ways to activate your creative expression

(spoiler: you don’t have to be an artist to get these creative kicks!) What is creative expression? It’s an outward expression of inner values, feelings, thoughts and ideas. It’s bringing something that wasn’t there before to life. It’s a combination of body action and mind potential fusing into something else - an imprint of yourself, perhaps? But what if we don’t have to take it all so seriously?

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#12: My other life as a runaway bookshop owner

I'm not actually a bookshop owner. But in another life - my other life! - I am. At some point, around age 10, my world split and a pair of dual realities began running on parallel tracks. I'm having a Gwyneth Paltrow in Sliding Doors moment as I pen this.

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#11: Apparently I need a second brain: My new journey with smart notes

When I began my Ship 30 journey, I became aware of fellow writers talking about ‘Smart Notes’, Zettlekasten and The Second Brain: A field of productivity called PKM. What the hell is PKM? Google explained: Personal Knowledge Management. A lightbulb went off. I have been needing this!

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#9: Overcoming perfectionism and burnout: 4 approaches that allowed me to heal (eventually)

Perfectionism and burnout live in the same burning house. Perfectionism is on the rise. We're fed over-achieving behaviours as normal ways to function in society every day. We're conditioned to strive for the perfect life, career and even appearance. It can have us going to extreme lengths to achieve unrealistic goals.

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#4: Write some weird shit - intentions for the year ahead

Following on from my previous post, Less is so much more - reflections for the year ahead, I'm setting some intentions for how I'd like to steer my year creatively to connect with myself more deeply and inspire my inner artistry. This is what I'm bringing to my creative playground in 2023.

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#3: Less is so much more - reflections for the year ahead

Out the other side of the festive season, I'm landing into the blank canvas that is 2023 and taking some time to be reflective and set some intentions. Last year was a shift and turning point in how I do a lot of things and I'm keen to take these adjustments and learnings into the year ahead:

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