#4: Write some weird shit - intentions for the year ahead


Following on from my previous post, Less is so much more - reflections for the year ahead, I'm setting some intentions for how I'd like to steer my year creatively to connect with myself more deeply and inspire my inner artistry. This is what I'm bringing to my creative playground in 2023.

Make art

Or 'make ugly art" as Austin Kleon, once of my favourite creatives suggests. I've got the paint, brushes and blank canvas ready to make a beautiful mess, now just to show up.

Write some weird shit

Lawd knows, I have it in me to go there, so I'd like to express this urge to get playful, experimental and crazay with words. Some flash fiction and strange poems - just for fun.

Spend time with books

Reading is a form of meditation for me. It fills me with peace and purpose when I'm absorbed in a book. I usually have one fiction and a non-fiction (or two) on rotation. Reading more is always a good idea.

Spend time with music

For pure sonic indulgence! I love listening to all kinds of music and something that brings me pure joy is a session spent exploring Spotify and making - and OCD organising! - different playlists. Music makes me feel connected to the global pulse.

Pick up a camera

It's been a while since I had my eye in and I miss the way photography invites you to engage with the world. I'd like to take myself on photo-dates and shoot the strange and lovely things that catch my eye.

If you try to call me and I don't answer - I'm probably absorbed in one of these soul-filling creative pursuits. So beeep, leave a message.

What creative projects will you give yourself this year? Or better yet, what creative projects will you gift yourself this year?

Remember, your creative playground doesn't do fenced in - find what's on the fringes of your creative talents and try something new.

Explore, express, enjoy.

Today is a good day to create your life.

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