#13: Express Yourself: 4 creative ways to activate your creative expression


(spoiler: you don’t have to be an artist to get these creative kicks!)

What is creative expression?

It’s an outward expression of inner values, feelings, thoughts and ideas. It’s bringing something that wasn’t there before to life. It’s a combination of body action and mind potential fusing into something else - an imprint of yourself, perhaps?

But what if we don’t have to take it all so seriously?

The arts are generally credited with expressive creative acts. Painting or drawing, writing and poetry, making and playing music, theatre and dance.

But you don’t have to be an artist or professional creative to enjoy the satisfying release and soul activation of creative expression.

Creative expression is for everyone.

Here are 4 ideas for expressing yourself in ways that feel fun and free - no talent or high-brow experience required:

Natural Art

Take art-making outdoors and gather leaves, stones, sand and other natural ephemera to make ground art. The process of gathering and assembling your creation can offer a deeply meditative release.


The beauty of movement as expression exists in its impermanence. A yoga flow to music, a conscious movement dance by candlelight, a floaty, light-footed passage through a forest. Move for sublime physical release.

Craft Projects

Scissors, paper and glue for collage, a pot of beads and string or bedazzling an old jacket with quirky trim. Crafting lets your feel expressly productive for tapping into your maker energy.

Taking Pictures

Photos are a way to connect with the winks from the universe. Go for a walk, notice what you notice and snap what you see. A simple way to express your perspective.

Creative expression is not solo act or a product of toiling away in a closed room; these ideas are social, playful and fun for the family.

What other easy modes of creative expression can you recommend?
Are you keen to try any of these?

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