The beautiful woo of brand architecture


I call this the beautiful woo of brand architecture - building a brand interior from the archetype up! I love this work, because it starts from a wholly holistic and emotionally intelligent place; our innate sense of knowing.

Many brands start talking before they’ve had their first conscious thought! They start socialising their offering before they’ve considered who they are and how they speak. Establishing the foundations of your brand essence and finding your core archetypes gives your brand it’s edge. The place from which all communications should come; a structured and considered frame of reference.

With your Archetypes channeling the way forward from your back pocket, you can build out your brand’s persona, story, and style and tone when communicating online, and roll-out your content plan knowing these will be in alignment with your brand’s identity and values. This is how we go for maximum impact.

In the age of conscious brands - this is conscious brand work. Get in touch if I can help you create your brand’s interior with my experiential archetypes workshop and brand interior development package. It’s strategic brand alchemy for meaningful, modern brands.


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