#14: Books are (still) the ultimate technology: 6 reasons they'll never be replaced by digital technology


Our lived experience is becoming more digitised by the minute, but books aren’t going anywhere.

Books are one of the earliest forms of technology. A Buddhist text called the Diamond Sutra was the first book produced in Ancient China, 868 CE.

Ironically, books are one of the most undervalued forms of technology today.

I mean, check yourself - would you even have thought to include books if someone said, ‘make a list of the technologies in your house?’ Probably not.

Whatever you think about books; the physical page-turner still has its place in the world.

Here are some of the reasons books will continue to last though the ages.

Books are a nootropic aka a cognitive enhancer

Put down your smart adaptogens; reading a book is all the supplement you need to boost performance, improve memory and stimulate consciousness. A good book switches you on.

Books upgrade our mental operating systems

Books are puzzles that challenge the brain, increase our visualisation, and sift and filter information. They also radically increase your smarts, if you pick the right ones.

Books = the art of contented alone time with self

Books teach you to enjoy time alone in a way, no gadget can. Book lovers know; you're in fine company when you’re on an enriching journey with your self.

Finishing a book builds self-trust

A brilliant practice to up-skill in the commitment department. Completing a book creates a buzz of satisfaction - enough to make you want to dive right into the next one and do it again.

Books are a meditative tool

Anyone with a reading practice understands the effect that time spent with books has on your wellbeing. It nourishes a tired psyche, soothes the nervous system and allows for physical reset.

Books are an anti-fragile vehicle for truth

Let that sink in. For hundreds of generations books have been the original truth sayers. They've recorded and carried the most important knowledge and stories of human existence.

Ultimately; they remain tangible messengers in a world that exists more intangibly by the day. They don't rely on external energies to communicate their power.

They do this by simply existing.

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