#17: Discover and be discovered — being followed is nice but finding the others is better


To be interesting, be interested.

This is something I’ve shared with my clients over the years when coaching them on building their online presence.

But what does this mean exactly? It means it’s not all about you. Or your brand. Or your business. It’s quite a lot about who you’re selling to.

Are you making them feel seen, heard and valued?

There are few things that make me cringe more than a brand or person who presents on social media as worldly and aware, and yet, they’re not following anyone else.

It reads that there’s no one they find more interesting than themselves. Or they just simply can’t be bothered. Cool story.

Bothering is exactly what it’s all about.

Following others is one of the most organic tactics you can use to cultivate your feed and expand your network.

What this does is make it a place that’s interesting for > you < to spend time.

Engaging with your industry, mentors, like-minded comrades and true fans super-charges your environment and invites them on your journey.

Finding and following your ideal customer and engaging in the communities they’re dipping into, is also a way to entice them into your world.

This is how you build and nurture your audience.

It’s just not cool to be too cool anymore.

Yes, some celebrities and business types seem to have surpassed the humble follow, but this is not a good strategy - or a good look - for you.

When you follow other people and brands, you expose yourself to new information and ideas. You learn what people want and need. You keep engaged and inspired. You endear yourself by being real and relevant.

So, what are you waiting for?
Discover and be discovered.

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