You don't need to have all the answers


This year I gave myself permission not to have all the answers; and my god, it felt good to drop all the armouring and scaffolding, to say ‘hey now, bye now’ to relentless perfecting and question-answer questing, to just tuck in the elbows, trust the process, and let life float me in the right direction.

I’ve been thinking about striving; how we’re always striving for something, moving the goalposts and never really allowing ourselves to get where we’re trying to go because the next shiny dream redirects our energy towards the next, new, this-is-you, strive-athon adventure. Well, here’s a fun fact we all love to ignore: striving is fucking exhausting and it eventually catches up with you. Ask me about the mind-blowing (literally) story of my 6-month burnout. Or don’t, and just picture my brain as a bag of sand.

Turns out, life comes to you if you just let it (putting the seeker search-lights away and letting the right things find you - what a radical idea!).

Yes, quietly owning the fact that you simply don’t know - or don’t always know - where you’re going, releasing your grip - the illusion of control - and opening to an idea, opportunity or experience that’s not of your own design - or is it? 😏 - is a radical act in a time where everyone’s platzing for pandemic and the overarching message is: WHATEVER YOU DO, JUST HOLD ON!

My god; just let go already.

So what’s the opposite of striving? Allowing. Just allowing things to flow without doing a thousand things to prepare, launch and direct your flow mode - oversteerers anonymous, this is your boarding call. Allowing is a mighty skill. It requires trust, flexibility and grace, and a kind of fortitude the opposite of the one you’ve been enforcing. It’s not the grit, it’s the wild earth under it. Steady as she goes, not too fast and not too slow. This is where you can dive and unstrive, this is where you can you meet the great allowing.

Strive less. Allow more.
2021 lesson level un-locked.

💡 Allow yourself to be ready for anything and watch the answers deliver themselves to your feet.

👆🏽… Preferably while barefoot, catching a thousand breaths, watching the strivers fast pass you by.

Love you, byeee.