Resistance is probably fertile, actually


Excuse the accidental Star Trek reference, Trekkers, look away now! (I know nothing about Star Trek, but I do know something about John Snow - that counts for something, right?)

For years the tech scene has dogged my creativity. I speak for myself, but many creative types can probably relate - the world of impressions, engagement and reach, or PPC, SEM, UGC and other 3-syllable jargons a few letters short of a good time, do nothing for the creative mind, nor the creative soul, mind you. 👩🏼‍🎤 Nonetheless, when your creative senses are ostensibly knocked by the tide of the tech industry's gravitational pull, it's quite easy to float on a silicon-dipped dream deeper into the technical trenches, and far from the roots of the creative self you know and set out to live by. Many unwittingly fall into this web, then struggle to get back out with their hearts and creative know-how in tact. Our lives have slanted epically-digitally and the habits of time spent creatively are quick to slip away when careers, and indeed, creativity, becomes centered around screen time. This is the kind of dogged I refer to.

I’m on a mission to recommit to my creative self, and saying NO to projects I'm no longer excited to do. So, of course, what I’m resisting is exactly what keeps persisting (🙃) and I find myself in a curious place, turning down work I could do with my eyes semi-closed, at a time when fears around income security are a waxing moon looming over us all. I’m feeling into the courage to say, ‘Beam up someone else, Scotty. I’m waiting for another ride.”

But, I’m living for the thrill of it. I’m challenging myself to seek and hold out for projects that spark my creative fire and stimulate my intelligence. And while I wait-but-not-wait for it, as after-global crisis life eases in to its course, I’m finding time for fertile excursions in both creative upskilling and creative down time.

Both of which will make for a rich soil in the new-world future, hopefully that future is still on planet earth. Well, I’m going to be here rooting for it. 🌱


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