Hot copy with a capital aitch


The best #worklife thing that’s happened to me this year - me and the words have melted back together. Like two choc-chips having a reunion inside the folds of a slowly baked chocolate croissant - yes, it’s as hot and cosy as it sounds.

I had this awesome memory of long ago thinking how cool it would be to have a gadget that’s a pocket thesaurus, that you could carry on your keys, like a beeper or a tamagotchi: You dial in words and that weird green screen blurts back at you, in purple-black block letters, of course, a selection of same-same, but slightly more sophisticated words to use instead. A digital thesaurus without the paper weight. 💡

Now there’s an app for that and I don’t have to worry about forgetting to feed Theo, the word-eating digi-pet. They say life doesn’t give you what you want, it gives you what you need and to this I say, word!

Back to the choc-chips, now more sauce than solid, and happily living their best life between the pastry layers. Few things beat tearing a hot croissant and chewing the crispy cud in between gulps of good coffee. Ah, the serenade of contradiction; the perfect combo of sweet and savory usually is.

P.S. Now taking orders for a fresh batch, get in touch! 🥐 (edit: that’s batch of words, I’m not pivoting into baked goods, sorry Martha).


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