#10: Give yourself permission to create: A 12-step interrogation to get out of your own way


An incredible thing happens when we realise the only thing standing in our way is ourselves.

We can decide to stop taking detours, ignoring our calling or waiting for others to approve of our ambitions. We can step into our power, purpose and flow. We can thrive.

Ask yourself these questions to connect with the brave creator inside you waiting to be unleashed:

  1. What would you do if you were not afraid?

  2. What would happen if you woke up tomorrow morning and took a wild step into your desire to make and create?

  3. What would happen if you felt the fear and splashed that paint, spilled that ink or made that demo anyway?

  4. What if you stopped letting the parts of yourself that keep you small and full of doubt have the last word?

  5. What if you met the voice in your head with kindness and let it know it was okay to take risks?

  6. What if you smiled at the naysayers; the critical, judgemental and opinionated, and made your bold moves anyway?

  7. What would shift in your life if you committed to going on a deep creative journey with yourself?

  8. How would your perspective change if you allowed yourself to play, explore and experiment more?

  9. What would happen if you made the time and took an hour a day to do that thing you love or long to do?

  10. How will you feel after 10, 50 or 100 hours of doing the thing that strums your soul?

  11. Who would you be tomorrow, next month or next year if you started today?

  12. What are you waiting for?

Give yourself permission to create.
Today is a good day to create your life.

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