We need to get out more


During the first lockdown last year, I created a bunch of digital collages that I never felt moved to share. The wry humour reflected a moment, and a mood, I was able to access during a perpetual season of intense transition - life, the layers, the lessons... Oh yes, and the virus.

Though I was able to wring out something sardonic about the novel situation that was life within four walls, it felt inauthentic to share them because of where I was at personally at the time; which was reeling from this domino effect of land-sliding life shift and holding on for dear reprieve.

It felt like a storyline for a Bryan Cranston or Jason Bateman series; you know their special brand of spiraling chaos and black comedy. Not my fucking cup of tea, let me tell you. But that’s how it feels when you’re in the thick of it, right? Amusement only arrived much later.

Finding ourselves back in lockdown, round three - that’s three for third world in bless-us-we-need-it, South Africa - I thought about these posts, a mood I’d thought had long since expired, and pulled them out their dusty digital folder. This time around, I’m sharing a few for the irony, sweet irony. A moment of lightness, a quick flick of the tongue to the cheek.

Life can change so very much in a year and a half, and yet, we can still find ourselves in the same place - that’s keeping largely indoors while a virus ravages beyond our usual defenses - electric fences - and hoping that luck is on our side when we shoot to the shops for supplies.

Real life, or something like it.
Things have been weird for a while.


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