#1: There's nothing - and everything - to writing: why I've joined a 30-day writing challenge


There's nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and open a vein. ~ Ernest Hemingway

Hemingway may have put that in his pipe and smoked it, but for a lot of us it seems there's so much more to writing than just doing the damn thing. But is he right? Is most of it just about getting out of our own way?

Well, there's only one way to find out - so here's to opening a vein and bleeding for the next 30 days.

Here's why I've joined a 30-day writing challenge:

  1. To re-establish my writing habit and connection with writing - self-administered morning pages have failed me, I need community and public accountability.

  2. To build a writing routine - I've become terrible with consistency. I hate to admit it; but even with reading and finishing books. Can we still blame the pandemic?

  3. To find my voice after losing it for a few years. Life has a way of silencing you sometimes, but the voice in my head is killing me! Time to open up and share again.

Vulnerability is hard, but we can do hard things, right? (Thanks Glennon). One of the boldest things we can do for sure is start over or start again - the beginners mind is wild, raw and unafraid; a magical place to be.

Currently I'm exploring creative intelligence, solopreneurship, personal branding and growth mindset. I want to deepen into these topics and let them guide how I work with my clients - who are creatives like me.

I want to inspire them to step into their power online, showcase their creativity and artistry, and build their dream businesses by turning their creative expression into their profession.

It's time for all of us to get out from behind the shadow artist holding us back and own our spaces. We only have this one life to make it count!

Join me on this wandering, wordy adventure— and do leave me a comment if I write something that makes you come alive. Today is a great day to create your life.

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