Hey Creative, it's time


The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step: Publish.

I've been working on aitch's new offering for the past few months (and also, years) and well, here I am; setting my intentions to co-create a new kind of magic with the push of a button. Hey Creative, it's time.

I'm talking to myself, but I'm also talking to you, Creative. You making your art and singing your creative song behind the scenes and not knowing how, or when, or even why! to put yourself and your work out there.

So let's do this together. Let's build the creative businesses we want to see in the world; with brands and visions and digital presence that showcase the art you - we - love to make. Creative solo- and entrepreneurs; I want to help you and your creative business shine online!

I want us to learn, grow and be our bravest selves in the quest for turning our creative expressions into our professions. Yes, I'm coming along on this journey too, rebooting my writing ambitions, while putting my experience in branding, marketing, pr and digital into action. I'm committing to learning and creating in public.

Create Your Life. A three-word mantra that has travelled with me for years was the key to my newfound direction. Back in 2020, I did Simon Sinek's 'Start with WHY for Creatives' Workshop and discovered my why, my purpose, is to live an authentic life through creative expression - to create my life - and to inspire others to do the same.

When I shone this onto my mission for Aitch Create, it all became clear: I want to channel my skillset to help Creatives, like me, step into their power, embody their brands and thrive by getting visible; by turning their art, passions and creative expressions into their professions. This is the work I'm excited to do.

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