A little space to be creative


I’ve been settling into my new home after moving house, taking an unofficial hiatus to be in the moment, packing up our life and moving it to our new destination and unpacking it again. Seeing how it looked different in its new space. A little more room, a lot more light and more one with nature. Feeling how a new space inspires you to live differently; a whole new sense of potential.

This new home comes with a room to call my own and I’ve been busy turning this little space into a creative nook; a place for work-life and other creative expressions to hang out in tandem and feed each other. Essentially, creating a space to be more creative. The whole experience has felt like preparation to vibrate higher and align with authenticity and purpose. 💫

They say moving house is one of the most stressful things you can do (right after divorce), but there’s something about the way changing your foundation jump starts your life-force; it should be encouraged rather than feared. We humans can get stuck in our ways and living spaces, we tether ourselves and resist movement and discomfort. But sometimes our locale is the very thing that needs to go.

A move is a fresh start. It shakes things up from the very roots; it shifts stagnant energy and old patterns and allows new vitality to float in and charge the air with that unapologetic, life-altering thing called change.

Change is a feeling, and it feels really good when you choose it.

With love,
From the nook under the house with the window overlooking the garden. 🌿


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