Posts tagged creative inbox
#24: Creative uptime: 6 ideas for growth-minded creatives to nurture their creative spark

Forget downtime - make room for creative uptime! As creative solopreneurs we need to prioritise creative uptime. It’s how we recharge our batteries and invest in our creative growth journey. It's quality time to spark ours imaginations and feel creative connection that is both progressive and meaningful. If you’ve been feeling empty and uninspired and you’re not sure why - ask yourself if you’re getting enough creative uptime?

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#11: Apparently I need a second brain: My new journey with smart notes

When I began my Ship 30 journey, I became aware of fellow writers talking about ‘Smart Notes’, Zettlekasten and The Second Brain: A field of productivity called PKM. What the hell is PKM? Google explained: Personal Knowledge Management. A lightbulb went off. I have been needing this!

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